Mike Tyson’s love of pigeons goes back to his early years as a child growing up in Brooklyn, New York. As a young child, he developed a love for the birds which arguably was pivotal in him...
Category: Facts
In the USA, wood pigeons are classed the same as feral pigeons and are not protected. In the UK, wood pigeons are classed differently from feral pigeons and they are protected but with a...
Pigeon towers are what we typically call dovecotes. They are called towers because of their height and round shape (mostly). Although rare nowadays, there are some that have stood the test of...
A dove with an olive branch in its beak is a famous symbol. It’s a depiction that has been used in many ways and has been around for centuries. It appears in many religions as well as in...
It’s something that we have all seen before, whether in person, on the television, in the movies, or as part of a story on the written page. For centuries, the ceremonial releasing of doves...
The World’s Most Expensive Pigeon, New Kim, Cost $1,900,000!
New Kim holds the title as the most expensive racing pigeon. The bird was sold for a staggering $1.9 million in December of 2020. Before New Kim, the most expensive racing pigeon was...