The average pigeon can fly at a sustained average speed of 60mph, however racing pigeons that have been bred for speed can significantly exceed this.
Some racing pigeons have been known to sustain a velocity of 93.75mph over distances as far as 420 miles!
Measuring The Speed Of A Pigeon
Measuring the speed of a pigeon is something that is done using sensors.
Pigeons are released and then as they fly past a sensing device it records their time precisely using their RFI ring, their exact speeds are then calculated by computer.

The Fastest Bird Of Them All
Pigeons aren’t the fastest birds around, but still attain a respectable speed when compared with other birds.
The Peregrine Falcon is claimed to be the fastest bird alive with a top speed of over 200 mph recorded. These speeds are reached when they dive to attack prey, not during sustained flight. Falcons hover and then swoop.
The Fastest Pigeon Ever?
In 2013 a Belgian pigeon called Bolt, named after the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was auctioned off for the sum of £260,000 / $453,000.
It was claimed that Bolt was the fastest pigeon in the world, though no speed records or over any specific distances are given to back up that claim.
However it was the fastest pigeon in a loft that belonged to a breeder that boasted champion bloodlines.
Unfortunately, claims of speed are only viable when set against a universal standard.
Without quoting figures that can be disputed, it is well known that pigeons are very fast.
We already know that pigeons are amazing fliers because of the distances that they can cover during their races.
All pigeons move fast, just watch them maneuver around moving vehicles and other obstacles in your city!